What Comes First in a Curly Hair Routine

1. Know Your Curl Type

What Comes First in a Curly Hair Routine, Understanding your curl type is crucial as it determines the products and techniques best suited for your hair. Curls can range from loose waves to tight coils, and each type requires tailored care.

2. Pre-Shampoo Treatments: Nourishing Your Curls

Before shampooing, indulge in pre-shampoo treatments like oil massages or deep conditioning masks. These treatments provide essential nutrients and hydration, preparing your hair for cleansing.

3. Shampooing: Choosing the Right Cleanser

Select a sulfate-free shampoo specifically designed for curly hair. Cleansing your scalp and hair effectively removes dirt and buildup, ensuring a fresh start for your curls.

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4. Conditioning: Moisture Is Key

Curly hair thrives on moisture. Use a hydrating conditioner to lock in moisture, making your curls soft and manageable. Consider using a wide-tooth comb to distribute the conditioner evenly.

5. Detangling: Gently Does It

After conditioning, detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers. Work through knots patiently, starting from the tips and moving upwards to prevent breakage.

6. Styling Products: Enhancing Your Curls

Choose styling products tailored for your curl type, such as curl enhancers or gels. Apply these products evenly to define your curls and reduce frizz.

7. Drying Techniques: Air Dry or Diffuse?

Decide whether to air dry your curls or use a diffuser attachment on your hair dryer. Air drying is gentle, while diffusing provides volume and definition. Experiment to find what works best for your hair.

8. Regular Trims: Keeping Your Curls in Shape

Regular trims are essential to maintaining healthy curls. Removing split ends and preventing breakage helps your curls look vibrant and lively.

What Comes First in a Curly Hair Routine

9. Nighttime Care: Protecting Your Curls While You Sleep

Invest in a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent frizz. Alternatively, you can secure your curls in a loose pineapple bun on top of your head to maintain their shape overnight.

10. Weekly Treatments: Deep Conditioning and Scalp Massages

Treat your curls to weekly deep conditioning sessions and scalp massages. These treatments promote hair health, ensuring your curls remain soft, shiny, and resilient.

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